Horm UTE Millerighe Horizontal or Vertical Mirror
Ute mirrors can be hung horizontally, vertically or, in larger sizes, placed on the floor. Ute is presented with two aluminium-frame versions: the “minimal”, subtle and almost imperceptible one, and the “millerighe” (striped) one, characterized by an embossed-line texture, making the collection suitable for any environment, both domestic and commercial.
Dimensions; (cm)
- W32 x H32 (A)
- W64 x H32 (B)
- W64 x H64 (C)
- W96 x H64 (D)
- W96 x H96 (E)
- W128 x H32 (F)
- W128 x H64 (G)
- W128 x H128 (H)
- W192 x H32 (I)
- W192 x H48 (J)
- W192 x H64 (K)